We are living in unprecedented times. The pandemic has thrown our normal routines into chaos. If you’re lucky enough to be able to work from home (as I am), you have found yourself adjusting to the new work environment. Your work-life balance might be off as you navigate this new world. After a few weeks of adjustment, I found that I enjoyed working from home. Not having the commute, not putting on heels and a blazer in the morning, not having to pack a lunch, meant more time to be creative once the work day was done. Or so I thought.
I have struggled to produce anything of creative value during the lockdown. At the beginning, I thought that this would be a great opportunity – to work out, to learn to cook, to practice piano, to write my blog and create Instagram content. Instead, I’ve found myself producing very little. I’m watching more Netflix, reading more books, napping more, and delivering very little in the way of value.
And that’s okay.
If you’re struggling during this time, you’re not alone. Humans are social creatures and it’s very difficult to be separated from friends and family during an unfamiliar situation. It’s not as simple as “I have more time so I need to produce more,” especially if you’re beating yourself up about it. Which I know I have been.
Years ago my sister recommended I read the book “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. In the book, the author discusses his process of writing while fighting “the resistance.” I’ve encountered that resistance many times over the past few months. I sit down to the piano only to close the lid. I sit at my computer to write my blog, only to quickly open YouTube and spend hours absorbing the creations of others instead of working on my own. Even this blog post was meant to be about how my shopping habits have changed during the pandemic, but every time I sat down to write I felt that resistance pushing back.
I don’t have an answer for how to get motivated during the pandemic. Maybe there isn’t one. There definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. If you accomplished a little more than you did yesterday, that’s a victory. If all you did was make it through the day, that’s okay too. Be kind to yourself, you deserve it.
Whether you’re training for a marathon or eating ice cream while watching Netflix, you’re going to be okay. It’s all okay. Things aren’t going to be back to normal for a while. Hopefully we can each find a new normal that works well for us and allows us to accomplish our goals.
If you’re looking for a bit of mental clarity, I highly recommend a short meditation to get your thoughts in order. Headspace has some free resources for anyone to access during the pandemic, as does Calm. Headspace is also offering a free year subscription to anyone who lost their job during this time.
Be kind to yourself, be kind to your mind. Whatever stage of life you’re in right now, embrace it. Be okay with it. You are doing the best you can.
I hope you have a great day! – XO, Annette